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A Marvelous Night for a Moondance

Throughout the year, design and advertising professionals put their creative asses on the line, exposing themselves and their ideas for all the world to see. For one night, they gather together to bask in the collective glow of all the great work conceived and executed in the past year, compliment each other on their nice asses, and award those whose work was simply over the moon.

Squires & Company swept the show, winning a cool dozen medals, including three Judges Awards and nine medals in graphic design. Savage Design Group took away seven medals plus a Judges Award. Murillo Design and Axiom Design Group snapped up five medals each. And Frank White stole the entire category of photography, winning four medals.

Students from Texas State University - San Marcos took home 22 medals of their own in advertising, graphic design, illustration and photography. Texas A&M Commerce did well with 12 medals. SMU Temerlin Advertising Institute and Texas Christian University went home with six and five medals respectively.

“This was one of the best Houston shows I’ve attended in years! The work submitted and the pieces that won were all so deserving,” said Bea Garcia, past President of ADCH. “And kudos to this year’s ADCH board for putting on such a great show. I know from experience how much work goes into putting it together and they did a fantastic job, making this an event well-worth attending.” With some 464 entries this year, it was also one of the largest turnouts ADCH has had in years. Proceeds from the Show make it possible for the club to bring in great speakers and host events throughout the coming year.

It couldn’t have happened without the generous support of all of the sponsors and in-kind donors including InMagine, Skyline, Samaria Print Services, Acumen Design and others. (The complete list of sponsors and links to their sites are available on the Awards Show page.) And let’s not forget the incredible panel of talented judges for the professional show and those for the student show.

The awards book with a complete list of winners and detailed credits, as well as the gallery of winning work for this year’s show, will be available on the ADCH awards show Web site shortly.

Written by JoAnn Takasaki.

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