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ADCH and HAF Social


ADCH members from across Houston converged on the bar at Arcodoros to mix and mingle with members of HAF and the wide-eyed youngsters of Ad2 on Wednesday night, August 29th. All of your ADCH brass were there, along with several past presidents and many current members. Grapparitas and beer were flowing, business cards were flying, and some damn good appetizers were consumed in what became a crowded and boisterous atmosphere. Photos of the party can be foundon the ADCH Gallery, where none of the names have been changed, because no one is presumed innocent.

If you want to throw your hat in the ring for ADCH’s upcoming Annual Award show, you can download the forms below. Show us what you’ve got! Entires will be accepted through September 12th. At the end of the month, you’ll have the opportunity to meet the fine collection of judges that ADCH has assembled to pick the winners; more details about the Meet The Judges event are forthcoming. The Award Show itself will take place on November 3rd. This is your chance to show your chops in front of your friends, rivals and colleagues from ADCH. If you missed out on the mixer this month, no more excuses: come out to Meet The Judges at the end of the month. We’ll see you there!

Written by Robert Hays

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