Events | Past Events
ADCH and HAF Social
August 29th
ADCH members from across Houston converged on the bar at Arcodoros to
mix and mingle with members of HAF and the wide-eyed youngsters of Ad2
on Wednesday night, August 29th. All of your ADCH brass were there,
along with several past presidents and many current members. Grapparitas
and beer were flowing, business cards were flying, and some damn good
appetizers were consumed in what became a crowded and boisterous
atmosphere. Photos of the party can be found on the ADCH Gallery, where
none of the names have been changed, because no one is presumed
If you want to throw your hat in the ring for ADCH's upcoming Annual
Award show, you can download the forms below. Show us what you've got!
Entires will be accepted through September 12th. At the end of the
month, you'll have the opportunity to meet the fine collection of judges
that ADCH has assembled to pick the winners; more details about the Meet
The Judges event are forthcoming. The Award Show itself will take place
on November 3rd. This is your chance to show your chops in front of your
friends, rivals and colleagues from ADCH. If you missed out on the mixer
this month, no more excuses: come out to Meet The Judges at the end of
the month. We'll see you there!
View event photos
Written by Robert Hays
Meet the 2007-2008 Board Social - Let's Get It On
July 25th
Download the flyer
ADCH introduced the new 2007-2008 board to the public at Marfreless with over 70 people attending.
Read the blog for more details.
See event photos here.
June 14, 2007
ADCH was one of many organizations present at the HCA event on June 14,
2007. We hope you made it out despite the weather - people from every
creative and marketing organization were there. Check out photos from
the event.
Quark Symposium
June 6, 2007
Houston was Quark's third city to visit in North America on their 2007
tour to promote Quark 7. The free event had a full attendance with a
crowd that was a mix of professional and student attendees. We'll make a
more detailed post that will include obversations on the presentations
and software, along with presentation materials. For now, take a look at
the event photos.
ADCH at Domy All the fun of tag-team graffiti. None of the danger.
May 24, 2007
Domy Bookstore and Cafe Brasil | map
On May 24th, ADCH held a unique participatory event co-sponsored by Domy
Bookstore and Cafe Brasil. Attendees were invited to draw, write, hang out, drink and create a
communal work of art with designers, illustrators, artists, art
directors and writers from above and below ground.
Many individual works of art were created.
Collaborative pieces were also generated that night, one written and one drawn.
Both were inspired by the Surrealists and their exquisite corpse experiments.
To read the story written that night and to see sketches and event photos,
visit the ADCH blog.
At the end of the night the sketches and writings were unveiled and
people lined up to read the collaborative story and view the art.
» View the work
How do you elevate a brand to an iconic status that transcends language barriers?
February 22, 2007
VT2 Studios
That's exactly what has happened with "V Dub." Fortunately, Jeff Steinhour - one of
the brains behind VW's wildly successful campaign - was in Houston to discuss the work the world is
talking (or signaling) about. If you witnessed the Houston appearance of his Crispin Porter + Bogusky
brethren, you know this was a must-see event.
» View photos
HCA Holiday Party (Houston Communications Alliance)
November 30, 2006
The Courtyard at St. James Place
If you weren't one of the thousand or so people who made it to the HCA Party,
take a look
at what you missed. If you were there, and want to take a quick trip back in time, you might want
to see the photos too.
» View photos
51th Annual Awards Show
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Warehouse Live
So who brought home the gold?
Download the awards program and find out.
2006 Judges' Dinner
October 2006
Hosted by Wayne and Beverley Gilbert

50th Annual Awards Show
Saturday, November 5, 2005
The Houston Zoo
Download the awards program for show winners.
Tim Hale from Fossil
Thursday, September 1, 2005, 6:30 pm
Historic Heights Fire Station
107 W. 12th @ Yale Streets
Houston, TX 77008
Tim's work has
repeatedly appeared in CA, Print, HOW, Graphis, The AR 100, Graphic Design, USA
& Step by Step Magazine. He has been recognized by the AIGA and the New York
Art Directors Club and has appeared as a speaker on behalf of Strathmore Paper,
for the HOW Design Conference, AIGA and for the Design Management Institute. He
has also served as a Juror for the ID Magazine Design Annual, Type Directors
Club and the Communication Arts Magazine Design Annual. Some of his packaging
work has been selected for inclusion in the permanent collection of the Museum
of Architecture & Design in Chicago. Additionally, Tim also currently serves
on the HOW Design Conference and Design Management Institute advisory
Special thanks to:
French Paper Company
Imageset Digital